Monday, May 07, 2007

Willy Model

Caution team. The new Willy model that was exported, decided to leave behind his face shapes. You can still work with him, but USE IT AS A REFERENCED MODEL. I'm fairly certain the fixed Willy can be xfered over since the rig and geometry will not change. I'm very sorry for any inconvenience, I'll be at the school for most of the week so when he's fixed you can steal him from me.

EDIT: Using referenced models seems bust. Francisco has unsuggested using them, so just animate with the regular model. Another issue seems that some of the animation values are locked in the Kinematics properties of some rig objects. I suggest selecting the entire rig, hitting ctrl + k, right-clicking on the lil' key in the top-left and clicking 'remove animation', that should get rid of the "white" keys.

FURTHER EDIT: In regards to the hair, if adding it using referenced models doesn't work, we can simply add the hair to Willy scene by scene if we have to. So Brett, if you could please jot down the values you're using or the steps you're taking to create the hair that would be great.

Where Willy Can Be Found: M-106-08 d:\The Current Willy!!\willy_rigged_lowres.emdl

1 comment:

Infinity said...

That's actually not that hard to do if the model is still the same, as long as theres different clusters for each piece of his hair.

If may offer one suggestion though, if Willy's head could be merged with his body. Now the problem with this is that you won't be able to add any more shape animations with the chopped off head, but there are parts where the seams spread from each other. Using the merge shapes and weights option, it should be a painless process.

If you want me to create the final model (I got the one you had on the computer) I could whip it out today.